Thursday, May 20, 2010

Which job would you take?

I was offered two different jobs today. Here are the details

1. Second shift, 3:30 - 11:30 PM Monday - Friday from September to June (I live in Wisconsin where it snows during the winter), first shift from June until September, union job, pay starts at $11.09/hour and will go up to $13/hour by next July, full benefits including dental, medical and life insurance, long term disability, state retirement. I have done this type of job for 26 years and I HATE DOING IT!!!!!

2. First shift 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday - Friday and every third Saturday for 3 hours, non-union, pay starts at $10/hour and will go to $10.50/hour in 90 days, no dental insurance but has every other type of insurance as well as two retirement plans. This would be a new type of job for me and I would LOVE THIS JOB!!!

Both jobs are 20 miles from where I live.

Which should I choose? I have to let them know in the morning.

Which job would you take?
Not sure read some job tips and articles on this site
Reply:Take the job you would love. No amount of money is worth having to wake up dreading every day. You only get one life.
Reply:Take an honest look at your finances-- if you can afford to take the job you would love, do it.
Reply:that depends. if you like money more,i suggest you take 1.since you have the experience.

if you want to relax in the afternoon and willing to take a little less money, then you should choose 2.
Reply:Go with the one you love! A little extra money won't make up for hating your job. Good luck!
Reply:Take the job you LOVE!!! DEFINITELY!!!

Having a job you hate really takes a toll on your social life, emotional health, physical health, and overall wellbeing. Trust me, I know. My job pays very well and provides excellent benefits and vacations, but I hate it and I am miserable. The extra money doesn't mean sh!t when you're miserable.
Reply:joption 2 you are workign normal hours and it will not throw off your natural clock
Reply:It seems that since you would enjoy working at job #2, I would take that job.

My last job paid more and had better benefits than my current job, but I enjoy my current job more. Plus, with the enjoyable job, my wife doesn't have to hear me come home and complain every night.

You have to live with yourself, no matter what, you might as well enjoy your work. That way, you will sleep better at night, and feel much happier not just in the morning, but all throughout the day.
Reply:There aren't that many differences in the two jobs in terms of pros and cons, so I would go with the job that makes you happy. There really isn't a good long term substitute for happiness with your career.
Reply:The one you love! This is a no brainer. You will probably move on up sooner or later at this job. Just let management notice.
Reply:#2 ...why do a job that you are always not gonna like .... if you love your job you will be more likely to go to it in the morning and be way more sane in doing so ........ #2 definately
Reply:Choose the one that would make you happy. Less stress %26amp; actually wanting to go to work %26amp; not dreading it is a rare thing these days.
Reply:People mainly young persons do not realize that good benefits are more important than the wage, stuff happens and hospital stay can wipe your savings out in a flash, the best benefits would be my choice.
Reply:Depends on if you NEED the money. If you can afford it, take the one that would make you happier.
Reply:Choose the first one. It is more stable and secured than the other. Although the same job as you used to do. But different people around. Besides, you are fully acquainted with its nature, who knows, maybe you will get a rapid promotion with this company.
Reply:If you're miserable, the money's not worth it. Take it from me, I know.
Reply:go with what you love
Reply:definitely the one u like

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