Saturday, May 22, 2010

Who is that rider ...?

New Pegasus

There is a new Pegasus in the sky

With wings whiter than snow.

A spirit surpassing the likes of man,

Permits no rider of lesser mettle.

Yet there is one who dares to mount

Boldly and without censure.

Together they sweep the heavens

With easy grace and beauty.

Gods and mortals behold in awe

Dark rider upon moonlit steed.

Swirling above in myth and mist,

Power and gentility blend into unity.

Copyright © June 2007

(tribute from a wannabe poet)

Who is that rider ...?
This is very good, polished, artistic. I love it.
Reply:Lovely. You get a gold star.
Reply:I love this. What does it mean?
Reply:oh, I love it blue feather!!!!!!!!!!

And could you do me a BIG BIG BIG favor???

Go to

then, download AIM 6.1

get a screen name

and IM me, my screen name is:


Then, we can talk. Because i want to talk to you. Please?

bye bye

~Black and White~
Reply:It might be time to remove that 'wannabe'...

I'd say you're there...(and how!)
Reply:I agree wholeheartedly with Ermatude...

Remove the "wannabe" tag.

Yer a poet

And ye didn't even know it...!

Drew images of Venus for me, somehow, being so bright in the sky as she is this time of year...

And also images of Cuchulain as he grew to manhood and fame...

(Cuchulain was the son of Lugh, the sun god, in Irish mythology)

(I wrote one of my many mushy love poems, after a row, a few years back using Pegasus to solve my problematic pride dilemma. If I can dredge it up, I'll post it for your delectation and critique...

In fact I think I'll have to do one on 'Cuchulain' now that I'm on that vein...)

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